To go on a journey

To see where it takes you

To see if you're ready, for change.


The Invitation:

Save our relationships

Save ourselves

Save mankind

Step into the Therapy Taxi…

… and let the transformation unfold.

Buddy may or may not transport you to where you want to go in the outer realm, but you certainly will be taken on an extraordinary inner journey.

Buddy specializes in systemic constellations therapy, this combined with years working as a comic and world explorer make him the ideal navigator to make life that little bit more entertaining, enthralling and experiential.

Not clear? Let’s spell it out

Share any struggles

You’re invited to tell Buddy anything that’s giving you a headache.

Work through them

Talking isn’t going to solve your problems though (we only have to look at our political system to see that top down approaches are weak) and so instead you’re invited to experience something to establish structural change.

Get to where you need

With a raised level of consciousness and a deeper connection to your authentic self - you’re now ready to regain your autonomy.

The Who

Buddy the clown - playful and creative

‘I like to be spontaneous on Mondays and Thursdays’

Buddy the father - connected and wise

‘The one person most of us never meet is ourselves’

Buddy the explorer - autonomous and carefree

‘I don't know where i’m going - but i know how i’m going to get there’

The Where

I’m based in Notting Hill, no not the film but the place in West London. I can go anywhere within 25miles of my home, further if you’re willing to pay.

The When & How Much

I currently only see one client/passenger a day - afternoon or evenings (circa 100mins).

If you’re within 5 miles of my home address the experience will cost you just £75 (if further then it’s £100).

Evolution is for those who dare to make the change…

(Don’t be left behind)